Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Iron Chef

As I sit here watching the real Iron Chef (Japanese Version) on the cooking channel, I find myself inexplicably hungry. I think I'll go eat something obscenely adventurous that takes me an hour to make.


  1. ...and then suddenly have a fully prepared dish waiting in the oven.

  2. cant stand the camera on that show

  3. Is it better than the american one? As in, you can't understand what's going on, but it's still exciting?

  4. hey, i did your daily favor and followed u know what i mean by favor!!!! :D anyways return that favor please to my website and my blogger i appricte it heres the webiste http://24hoursignals.com/ and here is my blog http://pimpinlobsta.blogspot.com/ thanksssss!!!!!!! :D
